
Northside Primary School


Welcome to Northside Primary School

Local updates and Courses

Local Updates


Keep up with what is happening with SEND locally matters by going to the Barnet Local Offer. This provides parents with information, support, and opportunities for courses and support that are offered locally. This is updated regularly and is your one-stop-shop for all things SEND-related. 


Follow this link for the Barnet Local Offer.


Updates to the Barnet Local Offer are here.



Planning for Adulthood Virtual Conference

For Information

Are you a parent/carer of a young person with additional needs?

The Specialist Inclusion Services (BELS) are hosting a virtual conference - Planning for Adulthood, on Wednesday 26 February 2025, for parents and carers of young people with additional needs.

If you would like to learn about opportunities, services, provision, and support post-16 please save this date to attend our Planning for Adulthood Conference.

We recognise how this phase may be challenging not just for your children but for the whole family; the aim of the conference is to empower you and your child/children to navigate it in the best way possible. We have invited colleagues from Education, Health and Social Care who will be sharing their service’s offer, support, and expertise.

You will be able to sign up to the conference in the new year, details will follow then.

Looking forward to meet you all.

Gina Mime
Lead Advisory Teacher
Physical Support & Complex Needs Team (PS&CN)
Barnet Education and Learning service (BELS)

Free Parent/Carer Talk - Guest Speak Jodie Clarke (Co-author of The Secret Life of Rose: Inside an Autistic Head)

FREE Future Planning Q&A Session 19.09.2024 - Please click on the below flyer for more information

Parent and Carer Autism Training - SpringTerm 2025

BICS - FREE online mental health training for parents/carers about supporting children who refuse to go to school and for those children who have anxiety.

Autism Parent/Care Programme for 0-6year olds - click the link for more information

Secondary School Transition Meeting

Barnet CIT Parent and Carer Training Sessions 


Barnet Children’s Integrated Therapies have been pleased with the response to our Universal training programme offered from across our integrated therapies – Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy. We are delighted to share the revised offer with education settings, parents and professionals for 2023. 


Click the link below to book onto SEND training or to book a drop in session to speak with a Speech and Language Therapist or Occupational Therapist:

Information for Professionals (


They will continue to run the training sessions virtually as this makes them more accessible for parents and staff to attend. There is no cost to you, we only ask for your participation and to fill in the online survey afterwards. The objectives for each course are listed on the document below. 

Free Language Enrichment Programme for Parents - Please click the click to sign up
