Music Update
I love teaching Music at Northside, even with the new restrictions in place. Music lessons have been taking place in the classrooms so far but I hope we will visit the Music Room next half term to use more instruments. All classes have used some instruments already - untuned percussion in KS1 and tuned percussion in KS2 - allowing time for the instruments to be in quarantine in between lessons. We have also been outside to sing in the playground because singing is just too good for the soul! You can see photos and videos of lessons on the Music page of the website.
Durham University and York University have been preparing for the Infant Music Festival next month, which is based around the wonderful book 'Jungle Dance' by Lenny Leopard. The children have listened to and can recognise Samba, Tango, Waltz and Rock & Roll music, which the characters dance to in the book. We have been learning about 'pulse' and lots of great rhythms as part of our Jungle Samba call and response piece. We are also learning the lyrics and some actions to a Scottish Reel. The children will all learn a dance next half term to a song they have chosen and we hope to share some videos of the children's performances with parents.
The Queens University are doing really well learning djembe this term with our BEAT specialist teacher Ratsko. They are learning different rhythms, how to follow a leader, stopping all at the same time, passing a beat around, and doing some solos. Some children are taking turns to be the leader too. Great job all round!
The rest of KS2 have been focusing on better understanding the Elements of Music - pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo, structure, dynamics and texture, with fun quizzes and videos. We have also been revising how to read music (crochets, quavers, minims and semi-breves) in order to follow body percussion videos of popular songs like Uptown Funk, We Will Rock You and Pink Panther. Cardiff University have been learning all about ABBA's Music and learnt to sing Mama Mia. Edinburgh University have listened to and appraised various Rock classics like, Johnny B Goode by Chuck Berry and learnt Living on a Prayer by Jon Bon Jovi. Bristol University learnt Happy by Pharrell Williams and listened to and appraised songs in other genres with Happy themes, such as Don't Worry, Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin.
In place of our singing assemblies children now have a weekly Music Appreciation Assembly. The children have been enjoying listening to a variety of songs from different time periods and genres, discussing how they feel about the music, the instruments they can hear and the various Elements of Music. They have listened to classical pieces like Sympony no 9 Ode to Joy by Ludwig Van Beethoven, Marvin Gaye's Motown classic Heard it Through the Grapevine, Oliver Cromwell by Benjamin Britten and Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells.
I am delighted that our BEAT Instrument lessons have resumed this term and the children are developing their skills brilliantly in piano, acoustic guitar and djembe. If any parents would like their children to take up lessons next term, we will organise this next half term when details will be in the newsletter.
Lara Goldhill
Music and French Leader