
Northside Primary School


Welcome to Northside Primary School

School Improvement

Each year the leadership team writes the School Improvement Plan. This highlights our areas for development and makes sure that we keep focused on continually improving. Please read below our priorities for 2023-2024.


Quality of Education

  • Develop inclusive practice even further
  • To develop explorative learning within in our curriculum


Behaviour and Attitudes

· To make sure everyone comes to school on time everyday

  • To implement Restorative Justice across the school


Personal Development

· To develop playtimes and lunch breaks to make them more active and provide more choice

· To make sure that pupil have a better understanding of climate change and a greater connection to nature

  • To develop pupils' understanding and appreciation of diversity, including neurodiversity


Leadership and Management

· Subject leaders to make sure that pupils 'know more and remember more' in their learning
