The aims of Mathematics teaching throughout Northside are for pupils to enjoy mathematics, be successful and have a positive attitude to the subject. It is also important for children to understand where mathematics fits into other subjects such as Science and ultimately, our everyday life.
It is vital that Northside pupils to develop a conceptual understanding of basic mathematical concepts through using manipulatives in order for them to have the ability to calculate successfully.
Lessons are carefully designed to incorporate the key skills of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Northside pupils are taught to develop their fluency skills by recalling and applying key facts. Maths activities encourage the children to reason using the correct mathematical language and solve problems logically using their mathematical knowledge.
Key Principles of Teaching and Learning
Our teaching and learning strategy is based on the White Rose Maths Hub Schemes of learning, available at and Development Matters 2021.
However at Northside we teach in a cross curricular way and expect to see maths links to topics and real life as and when appropriate.
The objectives within the school are to ensure that all pupils:
Our pupils should: