Links to free educational resources: a comprehensive list of organisations offering free access to educational resources with hyperlinks to their webpages: Links to free educational resources
ICT, Special Needs and Inclusion – provides a comprehensive overview of useful sites for learning from home for children and young people with SEND from Barnet Local Authority:
The Sensory Projects - a website that signposts and shares links to a range of resources aimed at supporting children and young people with a range of special educational needs and disabilities:
Helpful Hints for supporting Literacy - some helpful tips from Barnet Specialist Inclusion Services on how to support your child with literacy: Helpful Hints for supporting Literacy
National Literacy Trust - Home learning literacy resources for parents/carers of children aged 0 to 12 years:
The Communication Trust - resources for parents/carers to support children and young people with speech, language and communication difficulties:
Chatterpack - free speech and language communication and SEND resources for schools and parents/carers
Singing Hands – a website that helps us to learn Makaton. It includes well known songs and stories you can watch and teach yourself:
Story Telling in Sign
Signed stories from Frank Barnes School for Dear Children:
Signed stories including practising of key vocabulary from the stories: Signed Stories
ITV Signed Stories (with spoken English):
Fine Motor Skills Activities - a helpful resource with a range of fine motor skills activities from Barnet Specialist Inclusion Services: Fine Motor Skills Activities
Gross Motor Skills Activities - a range of twenty gross motor skills activities from Barnet Specialist Inclusion Services: Gross Motor Skills Activities
OTPlan – an OT search engine that gives a range of games and activities to support gross motor skill development using common household materials:
Rob Biddulph – a range of draw-along videos:
NHS Videos - The NHS have released a set of videos to support families of children with SEND in response to the Covid-19 situation. They are currently available in 3 languages:
Supporting Literacy and Maths at Home for different age groups (National Deaf Children's Society)
A range of helpful links to support learning at home:
Maintaining Hearing Devices
Central Institute for the Deaf has an excellent ‘Quick Tip’ video library including topics for:
This can help to provide support whilst at home. Click on the link to find out more: Quick Tip Videos
Connevans Limited has helpful youtube videos for troubleshooting hearing technology including radio aids.