What's going on locally:
Coffee Mornings:
Northside's next coffee morning is on Wednesday 20th March 8.50-9.45pm. A Barnet Autism Advisor will be sharing top tips for supporting neurodiverse pupils at home. Everyone is welcome.
Highly subsidised/free sessions are available on Saturdays at The Wren Academy.
DaCapo are launching a new Saturday afternoon programme this term, aimed at three groups of families:
1) Those with an interest in puppetry, keen to work with DaCapo’s music expertise and the puppetry skills of the renowned Little Angel Theatre.
2) Families looking for something to do together - children (ages 7-12) and parents (although children are welcome without parents too).
3) Those who may not be able to afford the fees associated with many arts activities on offer.
DaCapo have raised money from the National Lottery Community Fund and a number of other smaller Trusts and Sponsors to make this an affordable.
The project is for ages 7-12 and promises to be of high quality and great fun! It starts on April 22nd and will run until July 8th, with a performance on the final Saturday.