
Northside Primary School


Welcome to Northside Primary School


Spellings Autumn 2

Each week, we will practise up to 10 new spelling words in class normally following a particular spelling rule. Sometimes we will learn topic vocabulary or some of the words that every Year 3 and 4 child needs to learn by the end of the year (see the chart below).


We will stick the new words into your child's spelling book at the start of every week so please make sure that they have their small blue spelling books in school every Monday. They will also complete a short spelling test. 


As they have a full week to practise the words, please use the 'Look, cover, say, spell, check, correction' chart as attached below and look for any spelling patterns or connections between the words. 


I have attached the spelling words for the rest of this term on a document below for you to refer to. 
